Ministry responsible for implementation
Name of the programme
Target group
Services provided
Ministry of health and family welfare
a)Vitamin ‘A’ prophylaxis programme
Children between 1-5 years
Provision of 2,00,000 I.U. of vitamin ‘A’ every six months to children under 6 years, for control of nutritional blindness.
b)Prophylaxis against nutritional anaemia
Pre-school children, pregnant and lactating women.
Provision of iron and folic acid tablets to preschool children, pregnant and nursing women to combat nutritional anemia.
c) Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) control programme
Population at risk from goiter
Provision of iodised salt
Ministry of Social and Women’s welfare
a)Integrated child development scheme (ICDS)
Children upto 6 years. Pregnant and lactating women.
Package of services
- Immunisation
- Health check up.
- Referral services
- supplementary Nutrition
- Non-formal pre-school education
- Nutrition and health education to women of 15-45 years age.
b) Special Nutrition Programme (SNP)
0-6 Years children expectant & nursing mothers in Urban slums, tribal and rural areas.
Supplementary food provides 300/500 calories and 10/20 gms of protein daily to children and mothers respectively for 300 days a year.
c) Balwadi Nutrition Programme
0-6 years children. Pregnant and nursing women in severely affected drought and flood areas.
Package of services
- supplementary feeding
- special nutrition therapy for malnourished children
- Blankets and clothing to needy
- Drinking water
- Health & Nutrition education.
Ministry of Education & Culture
Mid-day meals scheme for school children
School children
- Supplementary feeding for 200 days in a year
- Nutrition education.
Ministry of rural development
Applied nutrition Programme (ANP)
Pre schoolers, pregnant & lactating women.
- Encourages local food production through training and supply of materials for kitchen gardening and community gardens.
- Fish ponds - Poultry development
- Supplementary feeding.
- Cooking demonstrations.
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation.
The programmes of Food and Nutrition Board
- Development and promotion of nutritious foods like miltone, weaning foods like Bal-ahar, and fortification of foods.
- Nutrition education through mobile units and production of Audiovisual aids and holding exhibitions.
- Conducting diet surveys and formulation of balanced diets.