Diet to promote weight loss are generally divided into four categories: low-fat, low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, and very low calorie.
Very low-calorie diets
Very low calorie diets provide 200-800 k cal/day while maintaining normal protein intake and limiting calories from both fat and carbohydrates.
They subject the body to starvation and produce an average weekly weight loss of 1.5-2.5 kilograms.
These diets are not recommended for general use as they are associated with adverse side effects such as loss of lean muscle mass, increased risks of gout, and electrolyte imbalances.
People attempting these diets must be monitored closely by a physician to prevent complications.
Introduced when body weights are reduced to optimal level due to reducing diets. Low carbohydrate diets such as Atkin's and protein power are relatively high in fat and protein.
They are very popular in the press but are not recommended by the American Heart Association.
A review of 94 trials found that weight loss was associated with increased satiety and thus decreased calorie consumption.
No adverse affect from low carbohydrate diets were detected.
Low-fat diets
Low-fat diets involve the reduction of the percentage of fat in one’s diet. Calorie consumption is reduced but not purposely.