Identifying the Purpose

Designing Information Material 4(1+3)

Lesson 3: Key Steps in Planning Information Material

Identifying the Purpose

It’s important to first identify an overall purpose for the materials you will want to use because all the further decisions you make about communications objectives, messages, and formatting will arise from this decision about purpose. A clear purpose is essential in developing materials that truly help individuals be informed in their decision making. You have to decide whether your purpose is to

  • Increase the knowledge of farm women (use charts and written material)
  • Create awareness (use posters)
  • Change an attitude or belief, which may enhance motivation to act in a desired manner (handouts, brochures etc)
  • Overcome barriers in adopting newer and better methods. Once you’ve decided whether you need particular information material for one or you need to decide a specific communication objective for each of the developed materials.
Last modified: Friday, 27 April 2012, 8:25 AM