Advertising climate

Digital Advertising
Lesson 9: Planning for designing advertisement

Advertising climate

Advertising is a social and business process responsible for the mass communication of introduction of product to the target audience. The elements of this process form advertising climate.
  • Advertisers
  • Advertising agency
  • Consumers
  • Government

Elements of advertising environment include:

  • Advertisers: are the individuals and the firms sending the advertising message to the target audience at their own cost. They may be business or non-business organizations.
  • Advertising agencies: are the units engaged in reading the services to the needy advertisers.
    They perform two functions.
    • The creation and development of advertisement.
    • Selection and placement of the advertisement in the media economically and effectively.
  • Media owners: are the individuals and the firms may be public or private, engaged in carrying the messages from the sender to the seeker. They may be print, broadcast, telecast, direct, indirect etc.,
  • Consumers: are the seekers of the information, they may be individuals or organization. This information is used by them for making decisions to buy the best product or service.
  • Government: may be local, state or the central managing the behaviour of the advertising industry in three ways.
    • Legislation that directly or indirectly influences the advertising.
    • Appointed officials issue regulations that affect the media, advertiser, advertising agency and the consumer directly.
    • The court of law- district, high and supreme courts, establish the rules of behaviour that will have being on the industry through the cases of individuals on the industry through the cases of individuals or organizations.

Last modified: Saturday, 29 October 2011, 8:59 AM