
Nutrition for Special Groups 3(3+0)

Lesson 15: Nutrition for the Lactating Mothers


  • During lactation protein requirement is computed based on secretion of milk of mother with 9.4 g protein/day (0 – 6 months) and 6.6 g protein/day (6 – 12 months) which corresponds to 820 ml of milk and 600 ml of milk respectively containing 1.15g/100ml of protein.
  • Assuming a 70% efficiency of conversion of dietary protein into milk protein and a 25 per cent of individual variation the safe daily intake will be 16.8 g and 12.0 g during the first six months and later six months respectively. During lactation an additional daily intake of 25 g (i.e. 50 + 25 ) for the first 6 months and 18 g (i.e. 50 + 18) for later six months is recommended.
  • If energy or protein is not adequate in the lactating mother’s diet there will be reduction in quantity of milk but the quality is maintained. A very low protein intake results in decrease of proportion of casein.
  • More protein or energy intake will not enhance amount of protein or increase volume of milk.
Last modified: Friday, 4 May 2012, 10:18 AM