A diet that is rich in raw fruits and vegetables and their juices should be regularly consumed.
The amount of gel forming fibre in the diet such as that of oats, rice bran and pectin in fruits and vegetables needs to be consumed in more quantity.
Cabbage, yogurt, olive oil, seasoning herbs such as thyme, rosemary have been known to slow down the aging process.
Reduced intake of refined foods such as white flour and its products is suggested. These include white bread, donuts, white flour (maida) pastas and biscuits that use refined flour. However all whole grain breads, pastas, brown rice are permitted.
Refined sugar and its products are better avoided. Honey can be used as a mild sweet flavouring., jaggery, and maple syrup may be used in limited quantities.
Reduced intake of saturated fats, cholesterol and animal fats is suggested. The general guideline is to use not more than 4 tablespoons of saturated fats in a day.
The intake of caffeine should be reduced by limiting or eliminating the intake of coffee, black tea and chocolate.
Herbal teas such as mint, dandelion root, chamomile, red clover tea are recommended. Alcohol should be significantly reduced or given up .
Processed foods should be avoided as much as possible.
Nutritious snacks such as nuts, seeds, raw vegetable sticks popcorn without butter and fresh fruit should be selected
Artificial sweeteners contain saccharine or aspartmine and should be avoided. Both these substances have long-term detrimental effect on the body and are known to contribute to memory impairment. Some scientists even hint at the carcinogenic nature of these sweeteners. However this has not been proved so far.
A detoxification diet may be included in the lifestyle.