Social Role


Lesson 14: Role and Impact of Mass Media on the Society

Social Role

The people of India belongs to thousand of castes and castes like groups hierarchically ordered, named groups into which members are born caste members are expected to marry within the groups and follow the caste rules pertaining to diet, and avoidance of ritual pollution and many other aspect of life with the advent of mass media and channels of communication and information, the Brahmins we have traditionally at the top of the caste system have been replaced by those with color Television sets in their homes and reports and scientist “Kirk Johnson” in is study.Caste lines have been blurred in the quest to gain access to information which itself is not a bad things. In villages where there is one common Government provided Television set, members of the village gather around too watch communally. This is especially the case for religious programmes as well as those related to agriculture. Such interaction means that traditional social structures have been destroyed and more people flocking to the cities that there see on TV in the hopes of achieving the material groups that are telecast. This has resulted in directly in an increasingly number of unemployed in the cities as well as a growing member of slums, as these internal migrants often lowly skilled and unable to find suitable jobs in the city. Other than changing the social structure and norms, the media revolution has also contributed to the disintegration of so-called Indian norms. There is a chasm between traditional values of chastity and dressing conservatively and the TV values of stylish and often skimpy dressing and more liberal values, including dating before marriage and other ‘western norms’.

Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 6:54 AM