Cultural Role


Lesson 14: Role and Impact of Mass Media on the Society

Cultural Role

The culture of India is one of the old cultures in the world and yet it is so diverse as to be impossible to in down and define.The South, North, and Northeast have their own distinct cultures and almost every state has carved out its own cultural niche. Culture and its preservation matters a great deal to Indian, at least in rhetoric. The Government of India has even formulated a cultural policy which lays out three major objectives as preservation the cultural heritage of India, inculcating Indian art consciousness amongst Indians and promoting high standards in creative and perform arts.In the past, Indian drama and theatre were a significant part of Indian culture and some of the oldest plays in the world originated from India. In addition there is rich tradition of puppet theatre in rural India later. These nautanki groups have since been replaced by bollywood cinema and the TV serial market similarly. The earliest Indian literary traditions work first orally spread and only later transcribed. most of these springs Hindu tradition under represented by sacred works like the Vedas, the epics of the Maha Bharata and Ramayana. The music of India includes the multiple varieties of folk, Pop and classical Music. Indians classical music tradition, including the Karnataka and Hindustani music, as a history spanning millennia and developed over several eras, remains fundamental to the lives Indian today as sources of religious inspiration. Cultural expression and pure entertainment.

Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 6:53 AM