Advantages Of Internet


Lesson 16: New Trends In Media And Technology

Advantages Of Internet

  1. communication
  2. information
  3. entertainment
  4. services
  5. e-commerce


The fore most target of internet has always been the communication and internet has excelled beyond the expectation still innovation are going on to make it faster more reliable. By the advent of computer’s internet our earth has reduced and has attained the form of a global village.

Now we can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is a sitting in the other part of the world today for better communication, we can available the facilities of E-mail, we can chat for hours with or loved ones.


Information is probably the biggest advantage internet is offering. The internet is a virtual treasure trove of information any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the internet. One can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subject that looking for there is a huge amount of information available on the internet for just about every subject known to man ranging from government law services trade fairs and conference, market information, new ideas and technical support the list is endless.

Today it is almost required that students should use the internet for research for the purpose of gathering resources. Teachers have started going assignment that require research on the internet during 1998 over 20 million people reported going on line to retrieve health information.


Is another popular raison detre why many people prefer to surf the internet. In fact media of internet has become quite successful in trapping multifaceted entertainment factor downloading games visiting chat rooms or just surfing the web are some of the uses people have discovered. There are numerous games that may be downloaded from the internet for free. The industry of online gaming has tasted dramatic and phenomenal attention by game lovers. Chat rooms are popular because user can net new and interesting people. In fact the internet has been successfully used by people to find lifelong partner.
There are numerous things that can be found, music, hobbies, news, more can be found and shared on the internet.


Many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets for favourite movies, guidance services, purchasing tickets for your favourite movies, guidance services on a way of topics engulfing the every aspect of life an hotel reservation .often these services are not available off time and can cost you more.


E-Commerce is the concept used for any of business deals that involve the transfer of information across the globe via internet it has become a phenomenon associated with any kind of shoping almost anything

Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 11:45 AM