Consisting of food, fashion, and editorial subjects, the illustration assignment has come under criticism by leaders in the field who worry about the rise in the use of set up, contrived and computer manipulated images.
The rise of the illustration assignment can be directly related to the rise in the use of color.
Newspapers have invested heavily in color printing technology to attract readers and advertisers.
Color printing in newspapers has increased steadily in quality and quantity to the point where readers expect to see color photographs and graphics every day. To keep up with the demand,
The nature of an illustration is such that it demands much pre-planning.
Locations, models, and clothing must be selected. During the shoot, poses must be managed. ,
From an idea originated from a reporter or editor, the photographer is asked to illustrate an unclear concept through an arrangement of props and models usually in a studio location.
Whenever possible, illustrations should be made in realistic settings. And should be clearly labeled as such in the caption and techniques that are special to the illustration should never carryover to another assignment category.
Last modified: Thursday, 16 February 2012, 9:21 AM