Flash settings

Photo Journalism 4(1+3)
Lesson 10 : Photographic Lighting and Flash

Flash settings

Normally flashguns have a manual operation (wherein the aperture on the camera) is used in which the sensor inside the flashgun measures or senses the light required. Today all these different types of flashguns have been surpassed and replaced by TTL (through the lens) flashguns. In the TTL flashgun, the flash is metered through the camera lens and gives a much better reading than sensors in built in flashguns. But these flashguns are meant for use with only a particular type of camera. For this, camera manufactures make flashguns or their own camera. Some flashgun manufactures too make flashguns for various cameras.

A flashgun can also be used on the camera as a fill flash to remove shadows cast by the sun behind the subject. The modern sophisticated flashgun accomplishes this task automatically by balancing the ambient light on the scene with the flash. This simple mechanism exists even in small point and shoot cameras.

The sophisticated flashgun also has compensation facilities by which the strength of the flashgun can be adjusted to make it stronger or weaker than sunlight. The angle of the flash head can be adjusted to bounce light in any direction. One can even connect several flashes together with special flash cords or via the cordless TTL flash slave units. In other words, more than one flash can be used to create the desired lighting effect.

Last modified: Saturday, 17 March 2012, 11:11 AM