Natural To make the most of the natural light available in your home, you need to know how to use it. Think about which rooms to use for what - you don't have to stick to the estate agent's details. And remember that daylight changes throughout the year. With the grey northern light in Britain, we don't have to worry about screening out strong sun, but you might find bright summer light uncomfortable to sit in. Conversely, harsh winter sunlight can make everything appear flat.
If you work from home, you'll need good task lighting as well as natural light. Avoid putting your desk in the window, as the light will be too intense - about 1m away is ideal.
Artificial Because the majority of lighting in the home is artificial, it is important to understand how different types of light bulbs and light fixtures affect colors. Bear in mind that the room’s exposure to natural light will influence the degree to which these artificial sources affect coloration.
Main / key light: All shadows should appear to come from this light. Largely determines exposure. High and to one side.
Fill light: Less than half as bright as KEY. Close to lens axis. Softens shadows. Must cast no visible shadows of its own. A reflector is sometimes used instead of a lamp.
Accent / backlight: Adds highlights on hair and shoulders. Should not strike camera lens or front of subject’s face.
Background light: Separates subject from background. Eliminates any shadows cast on background by FILL. Should not light subject.
Last modified: Thursday, 23 February 2012, 5:41 AM