Handling of different types of cameras

Photo Journalism 4(1+3)
Lesson 11 : Handling of Different Types of Camera

Handling of different types of cameras

  1. 35mm Colour Transparency Film
    Some people claim that there are just two kinds of camera ~ old fashioned film cameras and modern digital ones.This is an oversimplification since even before the invention of film there were cameras of all shapes and sizes.

  2. 120 Colour Transparency Film
    Even today cameras are made from materials as diverse as wood, brass, steel, plastic and titanium.

    Essentially all cameras are boxes that capture light. Many great photographs have been taken with simple box cameras.

  3. A Box Camera And A Picture Taken With One

  4. A Waterproof Disposable Camera

  5. A 5 mega-pixel Camera Phone

  6. Sthephen Bray’s Leica IIIa 35mm Rangefinder Camera (Circa 1939)

  7. A FujiFilm FinePix E-900 Digital Compact Camera

  8. Stephen Bray’s Olympus OM-1 35mm Film SLR, (Circa 1974)

  9. A Large Format Sheet Film Studio Camera
Last modified: Friday, 17 February 2012, 6:58 AM