Lesson 9 : Principles of Social Marketing
Before beginning to plan a social marketing program, the marketers need to analyze the issue in following terms.
- Thorough understanding of the problem to be addressed through
- Literature survey to collect information regarding the issue
- Search for research data regarding the issue
- Contacting the organizations involved in relevant work
- Organization and categorization of the information collected for useful reference
- The environment in which the program will be implemented has to be studied interms of
- Social economic and demographic factors of the community to be worked
- Political climate in relation to the issue and target audience that are going to be addressed
- Policies and pending legislations that might influence the audience ‘s response
- Organizations currently working in the community on the same issues
- Competitive messages in the community
- Accessible channels to promote the messages
- Existence of opportunities to support the promoting behaviours
- Resources available for the program are to be planned
- Internal resources: Expertise, experience, finance, infrastructure
- External resources: Partners, funds, media, training, consultants



Last modified: Thursday, 15 December 2011, 5:47 AM