Bacterial leag blight

Bacterial leaf blight

    Causal Organism: Pseudomonas betlicola (Patel, Kulakarni and Dhande)
    • Water soaked area appears on the lower surface, where as yellow halo appears on the corresponding upper surface of the leaf.
    • Elongated brown spots of variable length appear on the vine. In severe infection, by stem canker large areas of leaf lamina are covered causing blight followed.
    Mode of spread
    • It is a soil borne gram –ve bacteria, lophotrichus, facultative saprophytes They survive for 6-8 months in the infected planting material and diseased debris as facultative saprophytes.
    Spread through irrigation water, and infected soil and enter through wounds.
    • Application of Bordeaux mixture (0.5%) or copper oxy chloride (0.3%) effectively controls the disease. Spraying of streptomycin @2000ppm or tetracycline @ 2000ppm solution also controls the disease.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 February 2012, 5:46 AM