Public Space Vs Private Space

Commercial Interior Space Designing-II 4(1+3)

Public Space Vs Private Space

Is commonly shared and created for open usage throughout the community, whereas private space is individually or corporately owned. A public space is accessible to everyone at all times. A private space is an area where accessibility is determined by one person or a small group of people. An open area, room or space may be conceived either as a more or less private place or as a public area, depending on the degree of accessibility, the form of supervision, who uses it, who takes care of it, and their respective responsibilities.


Public buildings

Are any type of building that is accessible to the public and is funded from public sources. Typically, public buildings are funded through tax money by the government or state or local governments. All types of governmental offices are considered public buildings. Public buildings generally serve the purpose of providing a service to the public. This includes Government schools, stadiums, university, museums libraries, courthouses and post offices. Buildings meant for business operations are called commercial buildings. There are different types of commercial buildings worldwide, ranging from basic beauty salon to luxury hotels and commercial banks. Commercial buildings usually consist of more than 50 percent space available for public use, and adhere to a different set of safety standards.

Public buildings are recognized by the requirements to the users' safety, and the interior of the building demands thorough planning to obtain a satisfactory end result. Special consideration to fire and safety, acoustics, waste treatment, heat and ventilation are all critical. Efficiency-focused building designs reduce the use of materials and energy in building construction and operation. Planning buildings for efficiency can help save money and improve its performance.

Last modified: Saturday, 30 June 2012, 8:21 AM