Damping-off of seedling
Pathogen: Phytophthora spp., Pythium spp., Fusarium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani
  • Seedlings are killed both at pre and post-emergence stages.
  • Infected seedlings topple down to the ground.
Control measures:
  • Treat the nursery beds with formalin (1part formalin: 7parts water) and cover the treated beds with polythene sheets for 15-20 days before sowing.
  • The seeds should be sown only when the soil becomes completely free from formalin vapours.
  • Drench the nursery beds with a mixture of mancozeb (0.25%) and carbendazim 50WP (0.05%) at the initiation of post emergence damping–off symptoms.
  • Always sow hot water-streptocycline treated seeds in nursery beds.
Black leg (Phoma lingam)
  • It occurs in areas with rainfall during the growing period.
  • Seed borne and hence occurs from the early stage.
  • Stem of affected plant when split vertically shows severe black discolouration of sap stream.
  • Whole root system decays from bottom upwards.
  • Often, the affected plants fall over in the field
Control measures:
  • Hot water treatment is effective. Also spray the seed crop with copper oxychloride or with an organomercuric compound
  • Pusa Drum Head variety of cabbage is tolerant under field condition.
Curd rot/Black spot
Pathogen: Fusarium spp., Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Alternaria brassicae, A. brassicicola, Botrytis cinerea, Erwinia carotovora and Bacillus polymixa
  • Curds start rotting from any portion.
  • The rotting usually starts after some injury.
Control measures:
  • Protective spray with a mixture of mancozeb (0.25%) and Streoptocycline (0.01%) is given to the curds particularly if there is a likelihood of frost.
  • Repeat same after 8-10days interval.
  • Small rotten areas on the curds may be cut with a knife and painted with Bordeaux mixture (Copper sulphate 800g + lime 800g + water 200L) or copper oxychloride (0.3%).
Stalk rot/Watery soft rot
Pathogen: Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
  • Leaves lose their shine and droop down.
  • Stalks rot from inside, become hollow and filled with black sclerotia.
  • Curds lose compactness followed by development of characteristic soaked white rot.
  • Water soaked lesions also appear on bolting shoots later exhibiting white silvery appearance followed by complete wilting.
  • There is no pod formation in diseased plants.
Control measures:
  • Follow cauliflower- paddy rotation.
  • Pick out diseased leaves and destroy them.
  • Spray the crop at 10-15day interval with carbendazim 50WP (0.05%) and mancozeb (0.25%) starting from earthing up stage at 10-15 days interval till bolting stage.
Downy mildew
Pathogen: Peronospora parasitica
  • White mildew growth underside leaves followed by yellowing on corresponding upper side.
Control measures:
  • Spray the crop with mancozeb (0.25%) at the appearance of the disease and repeat after 10-15days interval.
  • Give a spray of metalaxyl + mancozeb (0.25%) in the nursery at the appearance of the disease.
Black rot
Pathogen: Xanthomonas compestris pv. compestris
  • At the point of infection on the leaves, tissues turn yellow and chlorosis progresses towards centre forming “V’ shaped lesions with the base towards the mid-rib.
  • The veins and veinlets of the chlorotic tissues become dark.
  • The infection on head results in brown to black discoloration of the surface which at later stages leads to rotting.
Control measures:
  • Soak seeds in tap water for 30 minutes followed by hot water dip at 52oC for 30 minutes and finally in streptocycline solution (0.01%) for the same duration.
  • The seed treatment may be got done by the growers from the University /nearest Research Station laboratories.
  • Give fortnightly spray of streptocycline (0.01%) after curd formation.
Bacterial soft rot (Erwinia carotovora):
  • A weak parasite which penetrates the plants through damaged tissue e.g. lesions caused by other pathogen.
  • In the field, it occurs only following black rot or after mechanical injury of nearly mature cabbage head.
  • Infection favours by high humidity.
  • The affected plants show a soft, slimy, bad smelling rot that under favourable conditions rapidly spreads throughout the plant.
Control measures:
  • Controlling other diseases and preventing damage can keep down the disease.
  • Spraying 100-200 ppm streptocycline or plantomycin combined with copper oxychloride (0.3%) at 15 days interval.
Integrated spray schedule for disease control in cole crops
a. Before sowing
  • Treat the nursery beds with formalin (1 part formalin: 7 part water) 20days before sowing and rake it well.
  • Soak seeds in tap water for 30 minutes followed by hot water dip at 52oC for 30 minutes.
  • Give a subsequent dip in Streptocycline solution (0.01%) for 30 minutes.
  • Get the seed treatment done in University/ Research Station laboratories.
b. Post-emergence stage
  • Drench the nursery beds with a mixture of mancozeb (0.25%) and carbendazim 50 WP (0.05%) after disease appearance against post –emergence damping-off and root rots
c. After transplanting
  • A week after earthing up, spray the crop with carbendazim 50WP (0.05%) and repeat at 15 days interval.
d. After curd formation stage
  • Protective spray with a mixture of mancozeb (0.25%) and streptocycline (0.01%) be given twice at 8-10day interval.
  • Spray boric acid @ 0.1% as protective spray and repeat after 8-10 days.
  • Pick out diseased leaves and destroy them.
  • Small rotten areas on the curd may be cut with a knife and painted with Bordeaux mixture (Copper sulphate 800g+Llime 800g +100L water) or copper oxychloride (0.3%).
e. Curd formation to pod setting stage
    • Spray the crop at 10-15days interval with a mixture of carbendazim 50WP (0.05%) and Mancozeb (0.25%) from the curd initiation stage to pod setting stage.
    • Repeat after 10-15days interval.
Last modified: Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 5:42 PM