White rust: (Albugo candida)
  • Rust like white raised pustules is formed on leaves and stems.
  • Often these pustules coalesce to form large irregular erupted patches.
  • Host epidermis ruptures easily giving a white powdery appearance to lesion.
  • Fungus survives season to season in plant debris, in soil and also mixed with seeds.
  • Moist cool (20-25oC) weather favours the disease development.
Control measures:
  • Treat the seed with carbendazim @3g/Kg seed.
  • Apply copper oxychloride (0.3%) for effective control.
  • Obtain seed from healthy plants.
Alternaria blight: (Alternaria brassicicola)
  • Symptoms appear on leaves, stem, pods and seeds.
  • On leaves, round yellow spots are formed.
  • Centre of spot dries and drop-off.
  • Disease is seed borne and also survives from season to season on diseased crop material.
  • Hot and moist weather conditions are conducive for development of disease.
Control measures:
  • Treat the seed with thiram 75WP @3g/kg seed.
  • Spray copper oxychloride @ 0.3 per cent or mancozeb @ 0.25 per cent at 8-10 days interval.
Powdery mildew:
  • All plant parts are covered by white powdery growth.
Control measures:
  • Before observing symptoms, spray dinocap (0.05%) or wettable sulphur (0.2%) at 10-15 days interval.
Radish mosaic:
  • Characteristic symptoms of this disease are mosaic and mottling of young leaves often associated with interveinal chlorotic area which gradually increase in size.
  • Finally coalesce to form irregular characteristic patches.
  • Affected plants are stunted and their leaves are reduced in size.
  • Disease is readily transmitted to radish by sap inoculation but not through the seeds.
Control measures:
  • Disease spread can be minimized by the application of malathion @ 0.05 per cent twice or thrice at 10-15 days interval.

Last modified: Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 3:03 PM