Complementary Color Scheme

Fundamentals of Art and Design 3(1+2)


Complementary Color Scheme

It is based on two colors found opposite to each other in the color wheel Fig.5.6.. These colors need not necessarily be used in their pure form and they can be used in many values or intensities to have variety Fig.5.10. Vividly revels On a Prang color circle, the six complementary color schemes are as follows:

  • Yellow and Purple
  • Red and green
  • Blue and orange
  • Yellow green and red purple
  • Blue green and red orange
  • Blue purple and yellow orange.

A complementary color scheme is a stimulating, vivid and bright color scheme. It provides a combination of both a warm and a cool color, thereby results in a balanced combination. Between the two colors, one can be subdued and the other, dominating. Normally a cool color is used in larger quantity or in larger areas as compared to the warmer one, to have a balanced effect. Complementary color scheme is highly suitable to such areas like living, nursery, teenagers and children's and drawing rooms. This color scheme may not be suitable in a dining room to avoid the attention detracting from the food, more so when the room is a small one. When used in large rooms, they can be suitably mixed with a few neutral colors to avoid that extra stimulating effect, or the vibrant effect of the contrasting colors.

Complementary color schemes may be the most pleasing, or they may be the least satisfac­tory, depending upon how they are used.

Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 11:54 AM