Characteristics of individual colors

Fundamentals of Art and Design 3(1+2)

Lesson 05 :Application of principles of design using colors.

Characteristics of individual colors

Orange gives warmth and energy to an arrangement and conveys a festive emotion. Used as a pure hue, the color of orange dominates and sometimes becomes overwhelming. As a result, florists use pure hues of orange in small quantities.

Light values of orange (salmon and peach) or dark values (rust and brown) are not as overwhelming as the pure hue. As a result, florists use these colors in greater amounts.

Red is associated with blood, and with feelings that are energetic, exciting, passionate or erotic. Most of the colors of red carry both positive and negative implications. The downside of red evokes aggressive feelings, suggesting anger or violence.

Orange is the color of flesh, or the friendly warmth of the hearth fire. The positive implications of this color suggest approachability, informality. The negative side might imply accessibility to the point of suggesting that anyone can approach-- a lack of discrimination or quality.

Yellow is the color of sunshine. This color is optimistic, upbeat, and modern. The energy of yellow can become overwhelming. Therefore yellow is not a color that tends to dominate fashion for long periods of time.

Green In its positive mode, green suggests nature (plant life, forests), life, stability, restfulness, naturalness. On the other hand, green in some tones or certain contexts (such as green skin) might instead suggest decay (fungus, mold), toxicity, and artificiality.

Blue suggests coolness, distance, spirituality, or perhaps reserved elegance. Some shade of blue is flattering to almost anyone. In its negative mode, we can think of the "blues"-the implication being one of sadness, passivity, alienation, or depression.

Violet is the color of fantasy, playfulness, impulsiveness, and dream states. In its negative mode, it can suggest nightmares, or madness. Violet is a cool color that recedes.

Market research on color is also done to establish color trends. Color forecasting is accomplished by surveying consumer preferences and other indicators of changes in taste. Color forecasting firms then issue projections defining palettes of colors that can be expected to rise, fall, or maintain popularity in coming seasons. On the whole, color trends change more rapidly for fashion than for interior design, probably because changes in home furnishings entail a more serious financial investment

Last modified: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 6:22 AM