Cultivation through true potato seed is beneficial because:
  • Seed material as potato tubers required to cultivate 1.32 m ha area is around 33 m q (seed rate 25 q/ha). Quality seed production, certification and storage of such a huge quantity is very difficult.
  • Transportation of such a huge material is also difficult and costly and can be used as food material.
  • True seed is free from viruses and many other diseases as their management is easy due to small area. Cost of cultivation is also less.
Methods of using true potato seed
  • To raise seedlings and then transplanting
  • Sowing of seed in nursery beds and then raising them for obtaining small sized potato tubers which are used for cultivation of the next crop. These seeds are sown in raised beds.
Problems associated with use of true potato seed
  • Seed is very small and weak as compared to tomato, brinjal etc.
  • It is not grown very deep and also low application of fertilizers is required.
  • It very difficult to maintain optimum moisture conditions as it is sown very near to the surface.
  • Poor germination and unhealthy and weak nursery seedlings of potato are creating problems to farmers.
  • Therefore, farmers are not enthusiastic to take up this venture on large scale cultivation.
Refined technique for raising TPS
  • Make nursery bed of size 2 m x 1m and then bricks are laid on these beds. Fine soil and FYM in equal proportion is put on these bricks making the surface 4-5 cm raised.
  • Irrigation is given on the surface and the moisture is reaches to the surface through capillary action of the bricks.
  • Sowing is done on this surface of the bricks. Seed is mixed with fine and well decomposed FYM and then put FYM on the raised surface for good germination or after broadcasting, the seed is covered with FYM.
  • 3-4 small seeds are kept at equal spacing on one brick which is covered with FYM to raise small sized tubers. Irrigation is given up to the half level of bricks.

Last modified: Sunday, 17 June 2012, 6:52 AM