Steps to draw a section

Lesson 13:Orthographic Drawings – Sections

Steps to draw a section

  1. Examine the free hand sketches of needed sections.
  2. If several sections are to be on a sheet block out the area needed for each, leave room for dimensions, labels and notes (about 3 – 4”)
  3. Locate the critical levels such as the bottom of the footing, concrete floors, bearing levels or line of the roof etc. if the section is too large break out some walls that have uniform construction.
  4. Now block in the details such as footing thickness, width & height etc.
  5. Draw the lines of these features to their final thickness and darkness – thick dark lines. Begin at the top of the sheet & work down – keep sheet neat & clean.
  6. Add material symbols in thin black lines.
  7. Locate and letter the notes & labels. Avoid over craving.
  8. Add needed dimensions – clear of all notes & readers.
  9. Add references to details i.e. enlarged drawings of one small part.
  10. Finish the drawing by adding title, scale & identifying mark. (Figure – 2)


Last modified: Friday, 21 October 2011, 5:17 AM