Varieties of lemon

Varieties of lemon

    • It is a seedling selection of Sicilian lemons. Tree is medium, spreading and thornless. Its fruit colour is lemon yellow, surface rugose, pitted, shape obovate, size medium, apex round, rind medium thin axis small, solid, segments 8-10, juice acidic with excellent flavor and quality. Eureka is a heavy yielder and begins bearing at early age. It has tendency of bearing in the terminal end of the shoot.


    • Its appearance and yield is superior to Eureka. It is resistant to frost, heat and high wind velocity. Tree is large and vigorous with spreading shoots. It has upright thorn growth, lemon yellow fruit colour, smooth surface, medium size, pitted rind, small axis, solid, 6-10 segments with 0-8 seeds.

    Pant Lemon

    • Fruit size medium, juicy, heavy fruiting, tolerant to pests and diseases.

    Villi Franca

    • It belongs to Eureka group and was introduced into Florida from Europe in 1875. Tree is vigorous, thorny, spreading, erect, fruit oval to oblong, size medium to large, colour bright lemon yellow, apex pointed, base rounded, rind thin, smooth, segments 8-12, flesh fine grained, juice colourless, seed 25-30.

    Meyer lemon

    • Tree semi-dwarf, thornless, spreading, cold resistant, fruit colour light orange, surface smooth, finally pitted, shape oblate or oblong base rounded, rind thin, axis small, segments 8-10, seeds 8-12.

    Acid lime (C. aurantifolia)

    • It is native of India and widely cultivated in the tropics. Tree medium sized, hardy, semi vigorous, upright growth, thorny, fruit round to oblong, yellow apex rounded and slightly nippled, base round, rind thin, papery segments 8-10, seeds 8-10.

Last modified: Saturday, 9 June 2012, 5:56 AM