Categories of pests

Categories of pests

    1. Regular pests: Occurring more frequently on a crop having close association with the crop. (eg) Brinjal shoot and fruit borer.
    2. Occasional pests: Occurring infrequently with no close association with a particular crop (eg) Snake gourd semilooper.
    3. Seasonal pests: Occurring during a particular part of the year. (eg) Red Hariy Caterpillar (RHC) in groundnut.
    4. Pesistent pests: Occurring on a crop almost throughout the year (eg) thrips on chillies.
    5. Sporadic pests: Occurring in a few isolated localities (eg) coconut slug caterpillar.
    6. Epidemic pests: Occurring in severe form in a region or locality at a particular season (eg) RHC in groundnut in Bhavan Taluk.
    7. Endemic pests: Occurring regularly and confined to a particular area or locality (eg) rice gall midge in Madurai dist.

Last modified: Wednesday, 25 January 2012, 9:10 PM