Pest management strategies
Pest management strategies
- A pest management strategy is the overall plan to eliminate a pest problem. The particular strategy developed depends on the particular life system of the pest and crop involved.
- Do nothing: When pest densities are below the economic threshold, ‘do nothing’ is the stratergy to follow. Otherwise a net loss occurs from pest management.
- Reduce pest population number: Usually employment in a therapeutic manner when densities actually reach the economic threshold or in a preventing manner based on a history of problem.
- Reduce the crop susceptibility to pest injury. This is most effective and environmentally desirable strategy. The tactics involved are HPR (hose plant resistance) and ecological management.
- Combine reduced population numbers with reduced crop susceptibility – combination of objectives of all the above strategies to produce a pest management programme with several tacties. The use of multiple strategies and tacties is a basic principle in developing insect pest management programmes.
Last modified: Wednesday, 25 January 2012, 9:16 PM