System of rearing - Layers
Space allowance
Circular or linear feeders may be provided; feeder space allowance of 10-12 cm per bird bas to be given
Furnish waterer space allowance of 2.5 cm per bird
A linear feeder of 180 cm length and 10 cm depth will suffice for 35 layer birds
Circular plastic or aluminium water basins may be used
Use waterer guards on the waterers at all stages of rearing to avoid birds standing on the edge and tilting the waterers
Provide fresh, cool water twice a day
During laying stage 1000 birds will consume 250 litres of water per day approximately
A circular waterer, of 45 cm diameter and 7cm depth will be sufficient for 50 birds
Arrange the feeders and waterers alternatively at equal distance; take care to adjust their heights so as to avoid feed wastage
Fill them only to 2/3rd of their capacity at any time
Layer mash
Nest boxes
Nest boxes made of G.I or aluminium sheets may be provided at 45 cm height-one for every three to five birds
The layers have to be trained to get into the nest box for laying eggs
Otherwise, eggs laid on the floor have higher chances of breakage
The mouth of the box should be of 30 cm width with a depth of 20 cm. Some litter material may be spread inside the nest boxes. Some farmers even tend to use pots as nest boxes as they provide cooler atmosphere to the birds experiencing stress while laying
Last modified: Tuesday, 22 November 2011, 8:59 AM