Local administration


  • Local administration of drugs refers to external application or application to a localized site such as eye. ear. mucous membranes etc.
  • Some of the local sites of administration include:
    • Skin: Application of drugs on to the skin such as powder, lotion, ointment etc.
    • Mucous membrane:
      • Mouth and pharynx: mouthwash, gargle, paint etc.
      • Eye, ear and nose: Drops, spray, irrigation
      • GI tract: non absorbable drugs such as kaolin, antacids, some antibiotics which are intended to remain within the GI tract and not absorbed
      • Bronchi and lungs: aerosol, inhalations
      • Vagina: Pessary, bolus, tablets
      • Rectum: Suppository, enema etc.
    • Tissues: Drugs can be administered to some of the tissue but are intended to act only on the site of absorption. eg. Intraauricular, intrathecal
    • Arterial: Some drugs are given intraarterially to act on the localized area supplied by the artery. Eg: angiography, anticancer drugs.
Last modified: Wednesday, 25 April 2012, 5:36 AM