3. White grub

3. White grub - Anomala polita Blanchard. (Rutelidae: Coleoptera)

    • Grubs cause root damage and adults feed on foliage. Eggs are laid in the soil near host plants. On hatching, grubs feed on developing roots and tubers as well as other grasses growing around. When full-fed, grubs over winter deep down in the soil. Grubs are fleshy and C shaped with orange head.
    • Adults emerge as soon as temperature starts rising, but continue to remain in the soil till the onset of monsoon. Adults feed on foliage during night and damage is more during autumn. Anomala adults are smaller and pale-yellowish beetles. Egg, grub and pupal stages are completed in 8 to 10 months.

Last modified: Monday, 25 June 2012, 11:55 AM