Clinical signs of hypomagnesemic tetany



  • Cease to graze, posture of unusual alertness, twitching of muscles and ears.
  • Severe hyperesthesia - even a slight disturbance can precipitate attack, continuous bellowing, frenzied galloping.
  • Staggering gait
  • Falls with tetany of limbs, clonic convulsions, nystagmus, champing of jaws, frothing at the mouth, pricking of ears, retraction of eyelids
  • The animal lies calm between episodes frequently, but sudden noise or touch precipitates another attack.
  • Temperature - 40 to 40.5ºC.
  • Pulse and respiratory rates increased.
  • Intensity of heart sounds audible at some distance from cow.
  • Death in ½ - 1 hr.
  • Mortality is high.

Sub acute

  • Gradual onset - 3 to 4 days.
  • Inappetence.
  • Wildness of facial expression.
  • Exaggerated limb movements.
  • Resist being driven.
  • Spasmodic urination and defecation.
  • Decreased milk yield .
  • Ruminal movements decreased.
  • Wild tetany of hind legs and tail showing unsteady, straddling gait, retraction of head and trismus.
  • Sudden movement, noise, restraint and injections can precipitate violent convulsions.
  • May recover spontaneously within days or the disease progress to a stage of recumbency.
  • Treatment is usually effective with marked tendency to relapse.


  • Serum Mg decreased
  • No clinical signs, but sudden death.
  • Few animals show vague syndrome - dullness, unthriftiness (more obvious syndrome), indifferent appetite and reduced milk yield.
  • Paresis / milk fever like syndrome (in lactating cattle) but not responding to Calcium treatment.
  • May also occur from the sub-acute form.
Last modified: Friday, 20 January 2012, 6:31 AM