Control and prevention


  • The disease is due to the action of the toxin, and hence, the obvious and most dependable method of prevention is to build up antitoxic immunity by active immunization.
  • The available methods of prophylaxis are
    • Surgical attention
    • Antibiotics
    • Immunization – passive, active or combined.
  • Surgical attention aims at removal of foreign bodies, necrotic tissue and blood clots, in order that an anerobic environment favourable for the tetanus bacillus is not provided.
  • Flushing with hydrogen peroxide in the wound area is produces aerobic conditions.
  • Tetanus can be prevented by antibiotics (Large doses of penicillin) when administered 4hrs after infection but not after eight hrs. Hence, prompt administration is essential.
  • Bacitracin or neomycin may be applied locally.
  • Penicillin can be given as both injections and orally till healing is established. Antibiotics have no action on the toxin.
  • Antitoxin should be administered promptly, either i/vly or into the sub arachnoid space, on three consecutive days to neutralize unbound toxin.
  • Toxoid may be given subcutaneously to promote an active immune response even on those animals, which have received antitoxin.
  • For prevention, the farm animals should be vaccinated routinely with tetanus toxoid.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 4:25 AM