Ethical conversation
- Try to engage in ethical conversation. According to Johannesen (1996) ethical conversations are.
Authenticity: It is the direct, honest, straightforward communication of all information and feelings.
Empathy: Imagining an event or feeling from the other person's point of view without giving up your position or sense of self.
Confirmation: Expressing non - possessive warmth for others that affirms them as unique person.
Presentness: It is demonstrating a willingness to become fully involved with the other person by taking time, avoiding di s t rac t ion, being responsive etc.
Equality: Conversational partners are equals in effective conversations regardless of their status.
Supportive climate: It encourages the other participants to communicate by praising their worthwhile efforts.
When we engage in ethical dialogue, we improve the odds that the conversation will have, which will eventually meet our needs and the needs of those with whom we interact.
The JOHARI Window is given in the Power Point slide.
The window indicates four major human personality, they are:
Known to others and known to self - this is indicating an open mind
Known to others but not known to self - indicating that the individual is blind
Not known to others but known to self - indicating secret nature of the individual and the last character
Not known to others and not known to self - this is a dangerous character as the individual is unknown and waste a lot of hidden energies.
- This window was developed by two researchers Joe Huft and Harry Ingha (1970) and hence the name JOHARIS window
- Open self: The area of the personality that is known to self as well as known to superiors, subordinates and peers.
Blind arena: The arena that is unknown to self but known to others is called blind arena. The people around are not willing to give feedback.
Secret: This arena is known to self but unknown to others. It remains private because the person is unwilling to share or disclose the information.
Unknown: The arena is not known to self or others. This may be called the subconscious or unconscious self. Most people are not aware of this part of their personality and this may never come to their knowledge unless it is probed or forced to mobilize ones hidden energies.
- The shape of Johari window of a person is affected by two processes
The larger is the open self of the people, especially the boss, the better will be the understanding amongst the people and better rapport will create stronger personal relationships. As all the members of the team are individual persons, a strong interpersonal relationship will lead to better teamwork.
Eventually this leads to better inter-team functioning thus making the organization effective.
Real communication can only happen when people listen actively to one another. This statement is supported by the old saying that "you get back what you give". Communication is influenced by a feeling of trust only then it gives a feeling of safety to relax and talk.
Conscious confidence
There is no limit to what you can do, as long as you believe in yourself. Self-esteem is a combination of
Self-knowledge - "This is who I am"
Self-confidence - "This is what I can do"
Self-worth - "What I can do and say are important"
Conscious means being aware of your biases, attitudes and language choices; do not speak over the understanding level of the audience nor underestimate your audience.
Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 6:36 AM