Synonyms and introduction


Synonyms : Viral bovine rhinotracheitis, Red nose, Necrotic rhinitis


  • It is an acute highly contagious viral disease of cattle characterized by high temperature, rhinitis, dyspnoea, abortion, meningoencephalitis, keratoconjunctivitis and pustular vulvovaginitis.
  • Dairy and beef cattle are equally susceptible. Besides cattle, the disease also reported in goat, swine and water buffaloes. The disease is widely prevalent in all parts of the world.
  • In India the disease has been recorded from various states including Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
  • The disease is caused by a DNA virus called bovine herpes virus-1 belonging to the family herpes viridae, subfamily Alpha herpes virinae and genus Varicello virus.
  • Cattle of all ages are affected.
  • Dairy and beef cattle are equally susceptible.
  • Besides cattle the disease also reported in goat, swine and water buffaloes and in wild ruminants.
  • The virus is transmitted through infected feed and water.
  • The virus can spread through ocular, nasal and reproductive secretion and excretion of infected cattle.
  • Droplet infection is the important way of transmission.
Last modified: Sunday, 3 June 2012, 8:07 AM