Synonyms and introduction
Synonyms : Viral bovine rhinotracheitis, Red nose, Necrotic rhinitis
It is an acute highly contagious viral disease of cattle characterized by high temperature, rhinitis, dyspnoea, abortion, meningoencephalitis, keratoconjunctivitis and pustular vulvovaginitis.
Dairy and beef cattle are equally susceptible. Besides cattle, the disease also reported in goat, swine and water buffaloes. The disease is widely prevalent in all parts of the world.
In India the disease has been recorded from various states including Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
The disease is caused by a DNA virus called bovine herpes virus-1 belonging to the family herpes viridae, subfamily Alpha herpes virinae and genus Varicello virus.
Cattle of all ages are affected.
Dairy and beef cattle are equally susceptible.
Besides cattle the disease also reported in goat, swine and water buffaloes and in wild ruminants.
The virus is transmitted through infected feed and water.
The virus can spread through ocular, nasal and reproductive secretion and excretion of infected cattle.
Droplet infection is the important way of transmission.
Last modified: Sunday, 3 June 2012, 8:07 AM