Clinical manifestations


Respiratory form

  • This form is characterized by mild to severe rise of temperature, depression of appetite, acceleration of respiration and dyspnoea.
  • The nasal discharges are initially serous which later turn to mucopurulent. Whole of the upper respiratory tract show hyperemia, edema along with mucopurulent exudation causing dyspnoea.
  • Affected cattle may exhibit open mouth breathing in severe cases. Animal may show signs of bronchitis and pneumonitis.
  • The nasal mucosa is severely congested hence the disease is named as "Red nose”.
  • The recovered cattle may remain as carrier and thus shed the virus for a considerable period.

Vulvo-vaginal form

  • This form is characterized by sharp fall in milk yield and appearance of erythematous and pustular lesions on the vulvar and vaginal mucosa.
  • There is swelling of vulva and frequent urination. There may be mucopurulent discharge from vulva and vagina.
  • Animal is unable to put its tail in normal position after urination due to pain. The virus produces pustular balanoposthitis in bull.
  • The semen of the affected bull become contaminated and thus pose problem in natural or artificial breeding

Ocular form

  • This form may appear along with respiratory form. There is inflammation of the conjunctiva in addition to respiratory changes.
  • But in some occasions severe conjunctivitis and ocular discharges may be noted without respiratory involvement.
  • The ocular discharges vary from serous to purulent.
  • Petechial hemorrhages may be noted on the conjunctiva and sometime corneal opacity may appear as main attribute of the disease.

 IBRT- Keratoconjunctivitis

Encephalomyelitic form

  • The virus may produce severe encephalomyelitis syndrome in calf terminating to death.
  • The signs of encephalomyelitis comprise of high rise of temperature, incoordination, tremor, circling, falling, coma and death.
  • Death ensures within 4 days following appearance of neurological signs.

Abortive form

  • The pregnant cattle may abort following infection. The abortion may supervene as “abortion storm”.
  • Foetus died at 4 months of gestation and expelled. Foetus is autolysed in most cases.
Last modified: Sunday, 3 June 2012, 8:08 AM