Ring womb


  • Incomplete dilation of the cervix of the ewe and doe is descriptively named ring womb. The condition is suspected when, after protracted restlessness, the ewe does not progress to the second stage of labour. Manual exploration of the birth canal reveals that the cervix is in the from of a tight, unyielding ring which will admit only one or two fingers,. Usually the intact allantochorion can be felt beyond the cervix, but occasionally this membrane has ruptured and a portion of it may have passed into the vagina. This latter observation distinguishes the condition form a protract first stage. Sometimes there is fetid vaginal discharge and necrotic fetal membrane in the vagina in the presence of non-dilated cervix.The best treatment option would be Caesarean Section
Last modified: Friday, 20 April 2012, 8:52 AM