Objectives of soil testing and Sub sampling for analysis

Objectives of soil testing

    1. Evaluation of fertility status of soil
    2. Estimation of the available nutrients status of soil
    3. Evaluation of the suitability of soil for laying garden
    4. Determination of acidity, salinity and alkalinity problems and
    5. Recommendation of the required amount of fertilizers, lime or gypsum based on soil test value.

    For determination of organic carbon, powder and sieve the soil through 0.2 mm sieve. For micronutrient analysis, iron, brass, copper and zinc containers must be avoided for collection and storage of soil samples and plastic implements and sieve must be used for sieving.

    Sub sampling for analysis
    • Empty the soil in the bottle on a clean thick sheet of paper and spread evenly with a sampling knife.
    • Heap the soil into a cone by raising the four ends of the paper and again mix it well and spread evenly on the paper as before.
    • Repeat the process 3 or 4 times to ensure uniformity and then spread evenly on the paper again finally.
    • Now divide the soil into four equal quarters and take a small quantity of soil from various points in each quarter to get a representative sample for analysis.

Last modified: Monday, 9 April 2012, 6:46 AM