

    First transplanting
    • When the seedlings are about 25-30 cm height and 8-9 months old, they are forked out and transplanted 15-20 cm apart in raised nursery beds.
    • The first transplanting is done just before the onset of the monsoon.
    Second transplanting
    • In Kerala and Tamil Nadu, the seedlings are transplanted into the secondary nursery beds. They are planted at the rate of 1:10; i.e., for every primary nursery bed of seedlings planted in 10 secondary beds, at a 20 cm spacing in 3 to 4 rows. Farm Yard Manure is applied before planting and mulching is also done. To provide shade, a pandal is erected. Regular watering is necessary.
    • After one year, the seedlings are ready for planting in the main field. The seedlings are planted with the onset of the monsoon during June-July, in pits of 45 x 45 x 30 cm or 60 x 60 x 35 cm in size, filled with compost and top soil at a spacing of 1.8 x 1.8 m. or 2 x 2 m. The spacing varies with the variety and fertility status of the soil. A spacing of 2 x 1 m is advisable along the contours. While planting, the seedlings are uprooted from the nursery, the clumps are separated and the overgrown roots are trimmed. They are planted in pits in such a way that the tallest tiller stands in the centre with the smaller ones on the sides. The plants are also provided with stakes for support.
    Provision of shade
    • A light intensity of 30-40 k.lux is ideal for cardamom. To provide shade, about three months prior to planting, shade regulation may be carried out in August-September. The shading should be so regulated as to provide a canopy of about 8-10 m. Cardamom can be grown under the shade of Grauellia rob usta, Albezzia lebbeck and Artocarpus heterophyllus. All the drying shoots and leaves are removed once a year in May-June after the commencement of the monsoon.

Last modified: Saturday, 10 March 2012, 1:37 PM