

  • The onset of monsoon is ideal time of planting. But where support plants are used, the planting may be done up to October-end, Nearly 40,000-75,000 cuttings are used for hectare where support crop is used, whereas 1,00,000-1,20,000 cuttings/ha are sufficient in bareja (closed) system of cultivation. Rooted cuttings raised in nursery are also planted. The planting season varies from state-to-state and even place-to-place. Most prevalent planting seasons are given in Table 2. 'Planting is done in rows. Spacings followed in different states under Bareja conditions are: given in Table 3.
Table 3. Spacing followed in different states





West Bengal

50-70 cm

10-20 cm

Uttar Pradesh

100 cm

10-15 cm


80 cm

20 cm


80-100 cm

10-20 cm

Madhya Pradesh

50-60 cm

15 cm

  • In Karnataka Basin method, Begalum or Flat method, Deep trench system long bed and trench method, short bed method, Trench and furrow systems are adopted in cultivation of the crop.
Last modified: Monday, 18 June 2012, 7:17 AM