Ginger oleorisin and essential oil

Ginger oleoresin and essential oil

    • Ginger oleoresin (3.5-9.5%) is obtained by the solvent extraction of ginger powder using organic solvents like acetone, ethylene dichloride, etc., and it possesses the full organoleptic properties of the spice such as aroma, flavour and pungency.
    • It is a blend of oil and resinoids and finds similar applications as the ground spice in the flavouring of processed foods. The oleoresin is also used in certain beverages and to a limited extent in pharmaceutical preparations.
    • On the other hand, ginger oil (0.5-3.0%) is distilled from the dried spice. The product is characterised by the aroma and flavour of the spice but lacks the pungency. It finds its main application in flavouring of beverages and in the confectionery and perfumery industries.

Last modified: Sunday, 11 March 2012, 5:07 AM