Storage of seed ginger

Storage of seed ginger

    • For good germination, the seed rhizomes should be stored properly in pits under the shade.
    • The rhizomes usually harvested during December-January, have to be preserved for about 4 months before planting (April-May). Good, disease-free, big, plump rhizomes should be selected for seed purposes and treated with 0.25% organo-mercurial compound for 10 minutes, against soft-rot disease, and then dried in the shade.
    • If the seed rhizome is infested with rhizome scale, it is advisable to treat it with 0.05% Malathion or Dimethoate.
    • Then, the seed rhizomes are loosely placed in pits of convenient size to a height of 10-15 cm from the top and covered with a wooden plank.
    • The remaining surface is plastered with mud. In certain areas, the rhizomes are loosely heaped over a layer of sand or paddy husk and covered with dry leaves.

Last modified: Sunday, 11 March 2012, 5:14 AM