Soil and Climate

Soil and Climate

  • Vanilla thrives well in a warm, humid, tropical climate at an elevation of 700 to 1500 m with an annual precipitation of 150-300 cm and a mean day temperature range of 25° to 32°C. The rainfall should be well distributed for a period of nine months and the rest of the three months should be a dry period. Although it thrives best under moist conditions, excessive humidity and moisture lead to diseases, while a very dry climate and direct sunlight may cause yellowing by sun scorching. Vanilla can be grown successfully as an inter-crop in coconut and arecanut gardens.
  • It grows well in loamy soils as well as in laterite soils with plenty of organic manure. Any soil which has poor drainage should be avoided as the plant does not withstand water-logging. It prefers land with a gentle slope.
Last modified: Thursday, 8 March 2012, 6:27 AM