

  • Vanilla loves a lot of organic matter and decomposed mulch, as they are the main sources of nutrients. A thick layer of organic debris also helps to retain enough moisture and provides a loose soil structure for the roots to spread. Hence, it is advisable that early decomposable organic material is applied around the plant base atleast 3-4 times in a year. In addition, the application of 40-60 g N as Ammonium sulphate or Calcium ammonium nitrate, 30 g P205 and 60-100 g of potash in the form of muriate of potash per vine in two or three split doses promotes vegetative growth, leading to higher pod yields.
  • The organic manures can also be applied in the form of leaf compost, starting from June-July. The application of fresh cattle manure has an adverse effect on the growth of the vines. The manures should be applied 20-30 cm away from the plant. Vanilla responds well to the foliar application of nutrients and therefore it is recommended that part of the fertiliser dose be given as a foliar spray before flowering. Spraying 1% 17:17:17 NPK complex on the foliage and stems has been found to be beneficial in enhancing the growth of the vines.
Last modified: Thursday, 8 March 2012, 6:30 AM