Status of Organic Farming in India

Status of Organic Farming

Status of OF in India

  • The task force of GOI under the chairmanship of Shri Kunwarji Bhai suggested need for alternative to modern conventional agriculture.
  • Ministry of Commerce, GOI, has launched national programme for organic production in March, 2000
  • National Standards for organic products (NSOP) have been standardized during May, 2001 and all the products sold under the logo “India Organic”.
  • Natioanal Accreditation Policy Programme (NAPP) has been formulated with the accreditation regulations announced in May, 2001.
  • This made it mandatory that all certification bodies engaged in inspection and certification of organic crops and products should be accredited by an accreditation agency.
    Accreditation agencies: APEDA, Coffee Board, Tea Board, Spice Board etc.,
  • Certification and inspection agencies: Institute of Marketology (IMO), SKAL India, INDOCERT, ECOCERT International, SGS India Pvt. Ltd, APOF Bangalore etc.,
  • National Institute of Organic Farming (NIOF) established at Ghaziabad. The purpose of this institute is to formulate rules, regulations and certification of organic farm products in conformity with International standards.
  • Govt of Karnataka also formulated policy on OF during Feb, 2004.

The organic food production costs are higher in the developed countries as organic farming is labour intensive and labour is costly in these countries. However, in country like India, where labouris abundant and is cheap. OF is seen as a good cost effective solution to the increasing costs involved in chemical farming. Currently most of the organic farmers in India are still in the transition phase and hence, their costs are high. As these farmers continue with OF, the production costs are expected to reduce, making India as one of the most important producers of organic food.

Last modified: Tuesday, 8 November 2011, 9:40 AM