

Action on the CNS

  • Promotes the female sex behaviour and growth of female reproductive tract
  • To induce behavioural estrus in the female but small amount of progesterone with estrogen is needed to induce estrus.
  • Regulates the release of FSH and LH from the anterior pituitary by its feed back mechanism.

Action on the uterus

  • It aids in sperm transport by increasing the myometrial contractions. Estrogen priming promotes the growth of the endometrial glands. Necessary for maintenance of zygote and helps implantation of zygote.
  • At the time of parturition, it sensitizes the pregnant uterus to oxytocin, thus aid the uterine contraction along with oxytocin and PGF2α. for the expulsion of fetus
  • Estrogen increase the rate of migration of leukocytes into the uterine lumen, and thus increases the bactericidal activity of the uterus during estrum.

Secondary sexual characters

  • Estradiol is responsible for the secondary sex characteristic of the female
  • It causes the growth of the duct system of the mammary gland
  • It stops growth of long bones by initiating the closure of epiphyseal growth plate
  • It causes disposition and distribution of body fat.
Last modified: Saturday, 7 January 2012, 8:35 AM