When the blastocyst reaches the uterus, it is still covered by zona pellucida. In 6-11 days after fertilization, the zona pellucida breaks down and release the embryo which is referred to as "zona hatching". Zona hatching is contributed by blastocyst expansion and contraction and aided by lytic enzymes
Zona hatching – cattle 9-11 days, horse-8; sheep-7-8 and swine in 6 days after fertilization
The blastocyst elongates because of formation and hyperplasia of extra embryonic membranes
Blastocyst elongation occurs in cows, sheep, and pigs, but not in horses
Concurrent with blastocyst elongation, gastrulation (ICM differentiate into three distinct layers – ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm) occurs in the embryo
(Picture source: Wikipedia)
Spacing of embryo in the uterine horn in polytocous animals occurs during this period.
In litter bearing animals, transuterine migration of zygote helps to distribute the embryos which are affected by uterine muscle contraction in the presence of embryos. The spacing of embryos is important for the normal foetal development.
Days of implantation
30 – 35 days
20 - 25 days
15 – 18 days
14 - 20 days
15 days
13 days
6 - 8 days
Last modified: Saturday, 7 January 2012, 9:17 AM