- Restlessness
- Mounting on other animals- the most definitive behavioral sign of estrus is standing to be mounted by the boar
- Lordosis - s ows in estrus will often assume this rigid stance, called the “lordosis reflex”, when pressure is applied on the rump ("back-pressure") by the herdsman.
- Vulvar swelling
- Pink red colour of vulva
- Mucus discharge occasionally
- High-pitched grunting
- Onset of frequent tail-wagging at the onset of estrus
- The group -housed sow actively seeks out the boar.
- Other signs of estrus: depressed appetite, alertness, pacing, and gnawing of the jaws.
- Back pressure test or riding test or lordosis test is the most efficient and practical method for estrus detection in sows
Lordosis in sow/span>
Last modified: Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 6:16 AM