Common questions


  1. What are the basic factors affecting the electrolyte balance?
  2. What are the functions of the electrolytes?
  3. Define respiratory acidosis and alkalosis?
  4. Define hypothermia, how is it classified, enumerate the consequences of hypothermia?
  5. Explain breifly the management of hypothermia?
  6. What are the different forms of rewarming techniques used, explain ?
  7. What is hyperthermia, explain briefly the various causes for heat stroke and its medical management?
  8. What is the difference between hyperthermia and fever? Describe the pathophysiology of fever?
  9. Enumerate the clinical findings of ephemeral fever, how to diagnose the condition and what is the line of treatment for the disease?
  10. Define pyrexia of unknown origin, explain the pathogenesis and line of treatment to be followed?
Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 2:09 PM