Materials and methods

WBC Pipette
Diluting fluid
Tally counter
Blood adhering to the sides of the pipette is wiped off with cotton.
The dilution fluid is drawn exactly up to 11 mark, avoiding air bubbles.
The solution is mixed either by hand or using a pipette shaker for 5 minutes, till all the erythrocytes get haemolysed.
The first few drops of the solution in the pipette are discarded,later the counting chamber of haemocytometer is charged after placing the special cover slip on the haemocytometer.
Under low power of the microscope, the number of cells in each of the 4 large squares, each containing 16 small squares are counted following the rules and precautions as per RBC count .
Caution: A variation of more than 5 cells between any of the four big squares indicates uneven distribution of cells and demands fresh dilution.
The total number of cells in 4 big squares multiplied by 50 gives the total WBC count in thousands/cmm.
0.5 of blood diluted to 10
1.0 of blood diluted to 20
Hence dilution factor is 20
Area of one WBC chamber is 1 mm x 1mm x 0.1 mm
Total number of WBCs/cmm = [ ( Total nos of cells in all four squares X dilution factor) / 4 ] X 10
Last modified: Friday, 18 November 2011, 12:55 PM