PCR based markers

PCR based markers

    PCR based markers
    • It is a PCR method, whereby a specific sequence of nucleotides within a double stranded DNA is amplified.
    • The sequence is identified by the use of short synthetic oligonucleotides that are complementary to the terminal regions of the DNA sequence to be amplified; these oligonucleotides are extended by the thermostable Taq DNA polymerase on the DNA template.

    PCR with Arbitrary Primers
    • In this category of PCR based markers, the random or arbitrary primers are used for DNA fingerprinting. Random primers of different lengths and sequences are mainly used for this purpose.
    • Primer sequence is mainly selected in such a way that it binds with most probability to their complementary sequence on the template DNA.
    • The molecular markers of this category are divided on the basis of their primer lengths like RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA), AP-PCR (Arbitrary Primed-PCR), DAF (DNA amplification Fingerprinting), and AFLP (Amplified Fragement Length Polymorphism).

Last modified: Monday, 2 April 2012, 11:19 PM