Pre requisites


(Materials required, Preparation of stock Giemsa stain, Preparation of working Giemsa stain, Preparation of Sorenson's buffer and Preparation of 5% formaldehyde)

Giemsa stain is used to stain the sperms for assessing acrosome integrity.

Materials required

  • Stock Giemsa stain
  • Semen (fresh/frozen)
  • Glass slides
  • 5% formaldehyde


Preparation of stock Giemsa Stain

Chemical Quantity
Giemsa powder 1 gm
Glycerl 60 ml
Methanol 66 ml

  • Weigh the Giemsa powder, put in a pestle and mortar.
  • The glycerol is added slowly and grind it well. Then add methanol slowly and grind it.
  • Finally the solution is filtered and stored in an amber colored bottle.

Stock Giemsa stain can be prepared and stored for years.


Preparation of working Giemsa solution

  • It is prepared immediately prior to use

Chemical Quantity
Stock Giemsa stain 3 ml
Sorenson’s buffer 2 ml
Distilled water 45 ml

Woking Giemsa stain is prepared on the day of staining immediately before use. It cannot be stored like stock Giemsa solution


Preparation of Sorenson’s Buffer

Chemical Quantity
Na2HPo4.2H2O (21.682 gm/500 ml) 200 ml
KHPo4H2O (22.254 gm/500 ml) 80 ml
Stock buffer 280 ml


Preparation of 5% formaldehyde

Chemical Qantity
Formalin (37-41% W/V) 12.5 ml
Distilled water 87.5 ml

Last modified: Wednesday, 6 June 2012, 2:39 PM