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The PRINT statement
This statement writes the results of computations performed by the computer on the printer. The form of the PRINT statement is list --- may be constants, variables, expressions or message separated by commas or semicolons eg : 90 PRINT A, B, C This will print the value stored in A, B and C 92 PRINT “PRITAM” This will print the word PRITAM. 94 PRINT “ P =”,P Outputs the value of variable P which is preceded by the name of the variable, that is, first will be printed P= and then the value of P. 96 PRINT 6 +7*2, A the value of expression 6+7*2 is calculated first. It is 20. Then 20 and the value of ‘A’ are printed, in that order, on the same line. 98 PRINT When this statement is executed, a line is skipped on the printer. Thus, this form of PRINT statement is useful to insert spaces in the output data. |
Last modified: Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 11:07 PM